Friday, May 21, 2010

How could I get whiter teeth?

I assume you know about the crest whitestrips. But other than that, brush 3 times a day with a toothpaste with a whitener in it. Gargle with peroxide (it has no flavor, you just have to get over the fact that its peroxide. What does peroxide do for anything else, it cleans it and removes dirt. When you brush with a baking soda and whitening paste, dip your toothbrush in baking soda. the arm and hammer kind in the yellow box. Trust me. Its all very odd but I have to have a good smile for my job and this works.

How could I get whiter teeth?
You could start by brushing your teeth twice each day, but if you want quicker results try Plus+White 5 Minute Whitening, you can buy it at any retail store (try Wal-Mart). Its only $6.76 to $7.00, it has dramatic results (i highly suggest you use it, if your teeth are a yellowish color)..... But to stay on the safe side ask your dentist if your a good candidate for whitening, and see what he/she suggest you to do... GOOD LUCK!!

P.S.-Don't use whitening strips if you have weak tooth enamel; they can be damaging to your teeth.

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